Impacto de las telecomunicaciones en la gestión de las instituciones de educación superior públicas de México: Un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales (Impact of the telecommunications in the management of the public institutions of higher education of Mexico: A model of structural equations)

Abstract: The present research had as objective to know information regarding the level of relation of the telecommunications and the user and financial management in the educational institutions of higher level (IES) in Mexico, through a structural equations model. The methodology to know the impa...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Zambrano, Alberto, Araiza Vázquez, María de Jesús, Hernández González, José Fernando, Vela Quintero, Juan Humberto
Formato: Artículo
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: UANL. Facultad de Contadur�a P�blica y Administraci�n 2016
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