“One pot" Microwave assisted syntbesis of 5,lO,15-Tri(4- Metboxypbenyl)-20-(4-Cbloropbentyl)-21H,23H-Porpbyrin and its Zinc (TI) Complex.

The syntbesis of new unsymmetrical A,B porphyrin. 5,lO,15-tri(4-methoxypheoy1)-20-(4-chloropheoy1)-21H, 23H-porphyrin. 1. and its Zinc(ll) comp1ex, 5,1 O,15-tri( 4-methoxypheoy1)-20-( 4-ch1oropheoy1)-21, 23- Zinc(II)-pmphine, 2, was accomplished using botb conveotional and "one pot' solven...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Loredo Calderón, Erika Lilián, Martínez Lejia, Carolina, López Cortina, Susana, Jiménez Pérez, Víctor M., Hernández Fernández, Eugenio, Cuevas Yañez, Erick
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: 2012
Acceso en línea:http://eprints.uanl.mx/3010/1/Art2.pdf