Los modelos CAPM y APT para la valuación de empresas de telecomunicaciones con parámetros operativos (The CAPM and APT models for valuation of telecommunication companies with operations factors). telecommunication companies with operations factors)

Abstract. One of the most important research topics in the financial area during de the last years has been the capital assets appraisal or the appraise of shares. This seeks two determine the explanatory factor of the rate of return for a specific portfolio. The CAPM (Capital Asset Pricing Model an...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Saldaña, J., Palomo, M., Blanco Jiménez, Mónica
Formato: Artículo
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: UANL Facultad de Contadur�a P�blica y Administraci�n 2007
Acceso en línea:http://eprints.uanl.mx/12483/1/A6.pdf