Sumario: | In the Americas Litopenaeus vannamei is the leading farm-raised shrimp species. Topromote the expansion of this industry it is necessary to develop nutritionally completediets, therefore knowledge of the species’ nutritional requirements is essential, and so far,incomplete. Early research on lipid nutrition was performed on closed thelycum specieslike Marsupenaeus japonicus, Fenneropenaeus chinensis, F. indicus and Penaeusmonodon, while L. vannamei in contrast, is an open thelycum species. Because there aredifferences in feeding habits among penaeids, even among developmental stages,generalizations as to their nutritional requirements are most likely inaccurate. Some studieshave demonstrated that juvenile L. vannamei is able to satisfy its essential fatty acidrequirements with highly unsaturated fatty acids from either n-3 or n-6 families, whichshowed higher nutritive value than polyunsaturated fatty acids. A significant interactionbetween dietary PL and cholesterol on shrimp growth also has been observed. However,research efforts are still needed to gain a better understanding of the metabolism of lipids inshrimp, the interactions among themselves and with other nutrients, and to definequantitative nutritional requirements for essential lipids throughout the life cycle of thisspecies.