Sumario: | There are quite a few persons worldwide with severe issues to control the glucose level on its blood. Only in Mexico, there are about 10 million persons with this disease and well over 13 deaths in 100 in this country are due to diabetes. In order to help to control this health issue, we are proposing a device to measure in a swift, simple and efficient way abnormality glucose
levels in blood by using infrared sensors. Glucose shows a high absorbance to infrared wavelength. By using such characteristic, it is possible to develop a mobile, low-cost electronic device capable to analyse a blood sample by measuring the absorbance in it. The process is
performed by using an array of infrared diodes controlled by a low-power consumption microcontroller as well as by several algorithms within a case. A blood sample is put in a substrate within the case. Once analysed, the glucose level of such sample is analysed and displayed on a screen