Sumario: | Mexico presents its proposal Tokamak Experimental Facility design under the necessary effort to develop Science and Technology into the thermonuclear magnetic confinement fusion area. This Research and Development Project (R+D) was approved by the Mexican Education Ministry (SEP, spanish acronyms) in 2007 for its actual development stage at Facultad de Ingenier´ıa Mec´anica y El´ectrica (FIME) - Universidad Aut´onoma de Nuevo Le´on (UANL).We have made this effort in order to unify and consolidate under a tokamak experimental configuration the Mexican Energy Fusion Program and generate an attractive scientific technological proposal to the mexican research centres with main objective to participate in ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) development. This present design aims to generate, innovate, understand and develop scientific and technological fusion knowledge, also to form researchers in fusion confinement area. We consider at this time that nuclear fusion represents an attractive, powerful and clean energy source. This R+D Project involves multidisciplinary physics and engineering areas that coexists into a nuclear fusion reactor, science and technology works together to establish a natural symbiosis between theory and experiments. Our tokamak facility design, at this time, is being developed and simulated under the use of COMSOL Multiphysics and 3D CAD software, all programs running under Gentoo GNU/Linux installed in our SGI Altix XE250 Platform. With this resources we can develop entirely systems involved in our magnetic confinement fusion research line, focused in the stronger application of engineering, technology and science concepts, developing systems and devices into this energy source generation.
Taking advantage of this computational infrastructure we have proposed the possibility to participate throught this tokamak facility, studying and developing research over plasmas stability, confinement regimes and resonant magnetic field perturbations