Hydroclimatic variations reveal differences in carbon capture in two concurrent conifers in northern Mexico

Forest ecosystems are considered among the largest terrestrial carbon sinks. The dynamics of forest carbon depend on where the carbon is stored and its responses to environmental factors, as well as the physiology of the trees. Thus, threatened forest regions with high biodiversity have great scient...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: González Cásares, Marcos, Pompa García, Marín, Venegas González, Alejandro, Dominguéz Calleros, Pedro, Hernández Díaz, José Ciro, Carrillo Parra, Artemio, González Tagle, Marco Aurelio
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: PeerJ Inc. 2019
Acceso en línea:http://eprints.uanl.mx/25406/1/25406.pdf