Summary: | The nutritional, cooking and technological properties of the Tepary bean (TB) cultivated in Mexican northeast comparing to two common beans varieties (Pinto Americano and Black Jamapa) were evaluated in this study. Nutritional parameters evaluated of TB resulted significantly different from common beans varieties analysed, except lipid fraction. Cooking times of soaked (4 and 8 h) and non-soaked varieties varied significantly; TB shows between 55.1–80.49 min by cooking time. The textural profile analysis (TPA) of TB showed a significant reduction of hardness, chewiness and adhesiveness in soaked compared to non-soaked. In addition, TB presented a similar behaviour to Pinto Americano in TPA non-soaked and cooked and soaked 8h and cooked, except to adhesiveness. Technological properties of TB and resistant and non-resistant starch content showed significant differences between species. Due to, TB has nutritional, cooking and technological properties comparable to other edible legumes as common bean, mainly Pinto Americano variety.