The Latin American experience of allografting patients with severe aplastic anaemia: real-world data on the impact of stem cell source and ATG administration in HLA-identical sibling transplants

We studied 298 patients with severe aplastic anaemia (SAA) allografted in four Latin American countries. The source of cells was bone marrow (BM) in 94 patients and PBSCs in 204 patients. Engraftment failed in 8.1% of recipients with no difference between BM and PBSCs (P = 0.08). Incidence of acute...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Gómez Almaguer, David, Vázquez Mellado, Alberto, Navarro Cabrera, Juan Ramón, Abello Polo, Virginia, Milovic, Vera, García, Juan José, Basquiera, Ana Lisa, Saba, Silvia, Balladares, G., Vela Ojeda, Jorge, Gómez, S., Karduss Aurueta, A., Bustinza Álvarez, Adriana, Requejo, Alejandro, Feldman, Leonardo, Jaime Pérez, José Carlos, Yantorno, Sebastián, Kusminsky, G., Gutiérrez Aguirre, César Homero, Arbelbide, Jorge Alberto, Martínez Rolon, Juliana, Jarchum, Gustavo, Jaimovich, Gregorio, Riera, L., Pedraza Mesa, Enrique, Villamizar Gómez, Francy Licet, Herrera Rojas, Miguel Ángel, Gamboa Alonso, M M, Foncuberta, María Cecilia, Rodríguez González, Guadalupe, García Ruiz Esparza, Miriam América, Hernández Maldonado, E., Paz Infanzón, Manuel, González Lopez, Elias Eugenio, Ruiz Argüelles, Guillermo José
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: 2016
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