Physical, mechanical and energy characterization of wood pellets obtained from three common tropical species

ABSTRACT Background. The need for energy sources with low greenhouse gas emissions and sustainableproductionencouragesthesearchforalternativebiomasssources.However, the use of biomass fuels faces the problem of storage, transport and lower energy densities.Low-densityvaluescannegativelyaffectenergyd...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: Artemio, Carrillo Parra, Maginot, Ngangyo Heya, Serafín, Colín Urieta, Rahim, Foroughbakhch Pournavab, José Guadalupe, Rutiaga Quiñones, Fermín, Correa Méndez
Formato: Artículo
Publicado: 2018
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