Sumario: | This article focuses on studying the rheological behavior of isotropic and anisotropic magnetorheological elastomers (MREs), made of carbonyl iron microparticles dispersed into a silicone–rubber matrix by considering 20 and 30 wt % of microparticles. Sample sets were prepared for each composition, with and without the application of an external magnetic field. Experimental measurements of the material rheology behavior were carried out by a shear oscillatory rheometer at constant temperature, to determine both the shear storage modulus (G0) and shear loss modulus (G00) forallcharacterizedsamples. Then,experimentaldatacollectedfromtheisotropicandtheanisotropic material samples were used to plot the Cole-Cole diagrams to quantify the interfacial adhesion between carbonyl iron microparticles and the silicone-rubber matrix. Furthermore, the Fractional Zener Model (FZM) with two spring-pots in series is used for quantitative analysis of collected experimental data.