Sumario: | Eggyolkisusedasanemulsifyingagent. Nevertheless,itshighconcentrationofcholesterol is linked to chronic degenerative diseases that cause cardiovascular disease. In this study, three methodsforreducingthelevelofcholesterolineggyolkswerestudied. Thefirstmethodconsistedof physical separation of the granules contained in the yolk (NaG). The second method applied was the use of anionic chelating biopolymers, such as arabic gum solution (AG) and mesquite gum solution (MG), and the third method was extraction with a solvent (SA). For this purpose, the cholesterol present in egg yolks, the microstructure, particle size, zeta potential, and its emulsifying capacity were determined. The amount of cholesterol removed was 97.24% using 1% mesquite gum (MG1%), and 93.26% using 1% Arabic gum (AG1%). The zeta potential was determined, and the isoelectric point (ζ = 0) of egg yolk was identified as pH 4.6. While, at this pH, the zeta potential of mesquite gum was−14.8 mV, the zeta potential for the arabic gum was−16 mV. The emulsifying capacity of MG1% was 62.95%, while the emulsifying capacity of AG1% was 63.57%. The complex obtained can be used in the development of functional foods reduced in cholesterol.