A pharmacogenetic pilot study reveals MTHFR, DRD3, and MDR1 polymorphisms as biomarker candidates for slow atorvastatin metabolizers
Background: The genetic variation underlying atorvastatin (ATV) pharmacokinetics was evaluated in a Mexican population. Aims of this study were: 1) to reveal the frequency of 87 polymorphisms in 36 genes related to drug metabolism in healthy Mexican volunteers, 2) to evaluate the impact of these pol...
Autores principales: | León Cachón, Rafael B. R., Ascacio Martínez, Jorge Ángel Isidro, Gamino Peña, María E., Cerda Flores, Ricardo Martín, Meester, Irene, Gallardo Blanco, Hugo Leonid, Gómez Silva, Magdalena, Piñeyro Garza, Everardo, Barrera Saldaña, Hugo Alberto |
Formato: | Artículo |
Lenguaje: | inglés |
Publicado: |
Acceso en línea: | http://eprints.uanl.mx/14840/1/55.pdf |
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