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  1. 521

    El diseño de la "Comunicación Espiral" al servicio de las organizaciones del siglo XXI by Durán, María Victoria Carrillo, Jiménez, Juan Luis Tato

    Published 2005
    “…Las empresas del siglo XXI fundamentan cada vez más su valor en los activos intangibles, que la comunicación puede ayudar a gestionar. …”
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  2. 522

    Valuación de empresas de Telecomunicaciones con parámetros operativos by Saldaña, J., Palomo, M., Blanco, M.

    Published 2008
    “…Los modelos desarrollados para la fijación de precios de activos; CAPM (Modelo de Fijación de Precios de Capital) y APT (Teoría de Fijación de  Precios de Arbitraje) han sido generalmente probados y desarrollados fuera del contexto nacional y su nivel de efectividad para determinar el precio de una acción y que de acuerdo a la teoría depende fundamentalmente del nivel de eficiencia del mercado de capitales.…”
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  3. 523

    Riesgo de pobreza en las regiones mexicanas: Una estimación con un método que considera las deudas de los hogares. by Carrera Aguilar, Ana Beatriz, Camberos Castro, Mario, Bracamontes Neváez, Joaquín

    Published 2017
    “…Las crisis económicas agravan la situación debido a la falta de activos y al constante endeudamiento. Empleando el método de Líneas de Pobreza (LP) modificado, y con los datos de la Encuesta Nacional de Ingresos y Gastos de los Hogares (ENIGH) realizada por el Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía (INEGI), este trabajo relaciona los ingresos de los hogares con el nivel de endeudamiento como factor de riesgo que explique el incremento constante de los niveles de pobreza. …”
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  4. 524

    EFECTO ANTAGÓNICO DE Lactobacillus plantarum AISLADO DE PASTIZAL DE FINCA LECHERA by Alvarado- Rivas, Carmen Cecilia, Díaz- Rivero, Cándida Gloria

    Published 2009
    “…No pudo determinarse la naturaleza de los compuestos del sobrenadante de L. plantarum 37 activos contra Salmonella typhi;mientras que la AA de L. plantarum 58 contra Listeria monocytogenes evidenciada por halos de 18 mm se perdió con el tratamiento de tripsina, pero no fue afectada por el calor, lo que parece indicar la presencia de molécula(s) de naturaleza proteica estable(s) al calor. …”
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  5. 525

    Certeza de Materialidad de la Operación en prevención del 69-B del Código Fiscal de la Federación by Arrona Moreno, Daniel José Miguel, Cisneros Martínez, Jessica Lizbeth, López López, Blanca Estela

    Published 2022
    “…La Autoridad Fiscal ha implementado desde 2014 al Código Fiscal de la Federación el Artículo 69-B, el cual observa que el comprobante fiscal cuyo emisor no contenga los activos, personal, infraestructura o capacidad material para prestar la actividad que presume, esta será tomada como inexistente y, por tanto, el comprobante será tomado como no deducible. …”
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  6. 526

    Influencia de las TIC en la creación de valor de las empresas que cotizan en la Bolsa Mexicana de Valores: sector financiero e industrial by Gutiérrez-Dávila, César, Hernández-Campos, Alfonso, Rositas-Martínez, Juan

    Published 2020
    “…Por lo tanto, se efectuó un análisis estadístico de regresión múltiple, en el cual se utilizaron como variables independientes la proporción que representó del total de activos la inversión en Equipo de Cómputo y Software, para el período de 2014-2018 de 5 empresas del sector de servicios financieros y 3 del industrial, también se consideraron variables de control como el Tamaño y Riesgo, mientras que la dependiente consistió en el ROA. …”
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  7. 527
  8. 528

    Essay in labor economics: children immigration, informal employment, and social mobility in Mexico by García Andrés, Adelaido

    Published 2016
    “…Different from the previous evidence in Mexico, my study differs in three ways: (1) empirical strategy aims at controlling as much as possible for heterogeneity sample, (2) microeconometric framework derives from a structural model with expected wages explicitly determining labor occupation decisions, (3) selectivity bias is achieved using a two-steep estimation. My results show a strong connection between intergenerational occupation, also predicted earnings differentials between occupation sectors. …”
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  9. 529

    Use of silver nanoparticles increased inhibition of cell-associated HIV-1 infection by neutralizing antibodies developed against HIV-1 envelope proteins by Lara Villegas, Humberto Herman, Ixtepan Turrent, Liliana del Carmen, Garza Treviño, Elsa Nancy, Singh, Dinesh K.

    Published 2011
    “…All NABs inhibited HIV-1 cell free infection at a dose response manner, but with AgNPs an antiviral additive effect was not achieved Although there was no inhibition of infection with cellassociated virus by the NABs itself, AgNPs alone were able to inhibit cell associated virus infection and more importantly, when mixed together with NABs they inhibited the HIV-1 cell associated infection in an additive manner. …”
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  10. 530
  11. 531

    Evaluación de los niveles y tendencias de endogamia en ganado beefmaster by Arzola Garza, Rosa Leticia

    Published 2018
    “…In the information of ancestors contained in the pedigree was achieved five generations of parents to great-great-great-grandparents. …”
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  12. 532

    Antibacterial and cytotoxic activities of new sphingolipids and other constituents isolated from Cissus incisa leaves by Nocedo Mena, Deyani, Rivas Galindo, Verónica Mayela, Navarro, Patricia, Garza González, Elvira, González Maya, Leticia, Ríos, María Yolanda, García, Abraham, Avalos Alanís, Francisco G., Rodríguez Rodríguez, José, Camacho Corona, María del Rayo

    Published 2020
    “…While, the acetylated derivate of (3), compound (3Ac) showed the best cytotoxic result against PC3 (IC50 ¼ 43 � 4 μg/mL) and Hep3B (IC50 ¼ 49.0 � 4 μg/mL) cancer cell lines. Likewise, (3Ac) achieved better SI values on HepG2 and Hep3B cell lines. …”
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  13. 533

    Predicción de parámetros de eventos hiperglucémicos posprandiales en diabetes tipo 2 by Reyes Guía, Alejandro Omar

    Published 2020
    “…Precision medicine proposes the application of quantitative methodologies to predict undesired events in order to take action before they occur, thus avoiding possible decompensation patient’s health. Prediction is achieved by recording continuous glucose measurements in T2D patients and a logbook where they record the amount of carbohydrates ingested at each meal, as well as the intake time. …”
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  14. 534

    Economically important marine larvae: Aquaculture production and larval rearing by Gamboa Delgado, Julián

    Published 2012
    “…The demand for live feed to rear marine larvae is also addressed; situation that conveys several economic implications that will persist until effective replacement of larval live feed with inert diets is achieved. Special reference is done on methods applied to evaluate larval quality, larval diets and feeding protocols, to finally conclude with a look to future trends in scientific and technologic developments to rear marine larvae.…”
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  15. 535

    Ecuaciones de optimalidad para el criterio del costo promedio sensible al riesgo en procesos de decisión markovianos sobre un espacio finito by Alanís Durán, Alfredo

    Published 2013
    “…The conclusions in Chapters 2 and 3 provide the motivation to pursue the main objective of this thesis, namely, to establish a characterization of the optimal risk-sensitive average cost without imposing any condition on the structure of the transition law of the model. This goal is achieved in Chapter 4, where the optimal risk-sensitive average cost function is characterized for general controlled Markov chains with finite state space and compact action sets, a result that is the main contribution of this thesis. …”
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  16. 536
  17. 537

    Essay in labor economics: children immigration, informal employment, and social mobility in Mexico by García Andrés, Adelaido

    Published 2016
    “…Different from the previous evidence in Mexico, my study differs in three ways: (1) empirical strategy aims at controlling as much as possible for heterogeneity sample, (2) microeconometric framework derives from a structural model with expected wages explicitly determining labor occupation decisions, (3) selectivity bias is achieved using a two-steep estimation. My results show a strong connection between intergenerational occupation, also predicted earnings differentials between occupation sectors. …”
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  18. 538

    Evaluación de los niveles y tendencias de endogamia en ganado beefmaster by Arzola Garza, Rosa Leticia

    Published 2018
    “…In the information of ancestors contained in the pedigree was achieved five generations of parents to great-great-great-grandparents. …”
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  19. 539

    Predicción de parámetros de eventos hiperglucémicos posprandiales en diabetes tipo 2 by Reyes Guía, Alejandro Omar

    Published 2020
    “…Precision medicine proposes the application of quantitative methodologies to predict undesired events in order to take action before they occur, thus avoiding possible decompensation patient’s health. Prediction is achieved by recording continuous glucose measurements in T2D patients and a logbook where they record the amount of carbohydrates ingested at each meal, as well as the intake time. …”
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  20. 540

    Ecuaciones de optimalidad para el criterio del costo promedio sensible al riesgo en procesos de decisión markovianos sobre un espacio finito by Alanís Durán, Alfredo

    Published 2013
    “…The conclusions in Chapters 2 and 3 provide the motivation to pursue the main objective of this thesis, namely, to establish a characterization of the optimal risk-sensitive average cost without imposing any condition on the structure of the transition law of the model. This goal is achieved in Chapter 4, where the optimal risk-sensitive average cost function is characterized for general controlled Markov chains with finite state space and compact action sets, a result that is the main contribution of this thesis. …”
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