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Potencial de nanopartículas de quitosano como inductor de diferenciación de monocitos humanos a células dendríticas.
Published 2016“…Su capacidad para procesar y presentar antígenos son las bases de la inmunoterapia contra el cáncer utilizando este tipo de células. …”
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Factores institucionales que influyen en la eficacia escolar del nivel medio superior en la Universidad Autónoma De Nuevo León
Published 2018“…It defines and conceptualizes the quality of education, school effectiveness and the aforementioned institutional factors, basing the theoretical model and hypotheses. It adopts the design of an empirical research of transversal, non-experimental and correlational non-probabilistic type. …”
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Evaluación en laboratorio de materiales con propiedades anti-adherentes sobre los huevos del vector del dengue Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) como potencial alternativo de cont...
Published 2015“…Potential use of plastic stripes as an ovicidal strategy could be implemented in Community-based programs for Dengue control. Key words: Aedes aegypti, eggs, Hyaluronic acid, serosa cuticle, control…”
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Análisis y predicción de accidentes automovilísticos mediante la aplicación de la red neuronal artificial de máxima sensibilidad y un prototipo de sistema web para la visualización...
Published 2019“…La información resultante de la aplicación de IA requiere de cierta experiencia para su interpretación, por lo tanto, se diseñó un prototipo de sistema web, que facilite la interacción del usuario con los datos históricos, y principalmente con los datos resultantes de la predicción. Se utilizan dos bases de datos abiertos: la de INEGI para accidentes terrestres y de Axa Seguro para accidentes viales, con las que se logró recabar información sobre el total de accidentes automovilísticos ocurridos bajo factores específicos en lugares, fechas, climas, horarios, causa del accidente y tipo de accidentes. …”
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Caracterización del agente etiológico de la necrosis hepatopancreatica (nhp) y su impacto en cultivos de camarón Litopenaeus vannamei en Sonora, México
Published 2006“…Presumptive diagnosis was based in light microscopy (LM, wet-mounts and H&E stained sections of hepatopancreata) while confirmative identification were realized by isolation of the bacteria in Percoll gradients, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and negative stains for transmission electron microscopy (TEM), looking for differentiate NHP from bacteria genus vibrio. …”
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Clarificación por morfometría de especies, y calidad de trichogramma westwood (hymenoptera: trichogrammatidae) de centros reproductores y áreas agrícolas del norte de México
Published 2006“…In a morphometric corroboration, the analysis of variance and mean comparisons by the Duncan´s test allowed separate T. pretiosum and T. exiguum from T. fuentesi and T. pintoi based on the longest funicular setae length (FSL) of the antenna. …”
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Efficient methods for solving power system operation scheduling challenges: the thermal unit commitment problem with staircase cost and the very short-term load forecasting problem
Published 2023“…The success of our methods could potentially guide the development of future hybrid heuristic approaches combining mixed-integer programming or matheuris tics alongside analogy-based forecasting techniques, o↵ering substantial practical advance ments in the electricity sector.…”
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Allergen sensitization linked to climate and age, not to intermittent-persistent rhinitis in a cross-sectional cohort study in the (sub)tropics
Published 2014“…Secondly, patient selection in clinical trials should be based on the intermittent-persistent and severity classifications, rather than on the seasonal-perennial AR subtypes, especially when conducted in (sub)tropical countries.…”
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Value at Risk (VaR) in uncertainty: Analysis with parametric method and Black & Scholes simulations (Valor en Riesgo (VaR) en incertidumbre: Análisis con el método paramétrico y...
Published 2014“…For this reason, the aim of this work is to test the VaR accuracy when is employed in contexts of volatility, for which we compare the VaR outcomes in scenarios of both stability and uncertainty, using the parametric method and a historical simulation based on data generated with the Black & Scholes model. …”
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Análisis del transcriptoma de células madre de adenocarcinoma colorrectal resistentes a 5-Fluorouracilo, oxaliplatino y leucovorina.
Published 2017“…Obtuvimos 51 muestras de tumores de ACCR, 5 aislados de CMiI de ACCR y 10 muestras de colon sano, Alslamos las CMT-FR, cultivändolas en un medio suplementado con factores de crecimiento y SFUOL a concentraciones equivalentes a las máximas alcanzadas en el plasma sanguineo por cada uno de los fármacos de 5-FUOL En todos los especimenes mencionados evaluamos citotoxicidad de SFUOL, utilizando el ATP-CRA (adenosin triphosphate-based chemotherapy response cssay) Además, con el sistema I FR de ACCR y la correlación entre la FR con la sobreexpresión de genes entre los grupos mediante pruebas de ANOVA, con la ayuda del software SPSS, Resultados y conclusionos. …”
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Potential economic impact assessment for cattle parasites in Mexico. Review
Published 2017“…Estimates in US dollars (US$) were based on reported yield losses in untreated animals. …”
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Hombres que tienen sexo con hombres y detección del virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana en odontología
Published 2018“…Factor analysis revealed two factors: experiences of sexual orientation stigma and discrimination in dental settings, and feelings of concern about the attitude of the dentist and dental staff towards their sexual orientation. Based on these factors and cluster analysis, three user profiles were identified: users who have not experienced stigma and discrimination (90.3%); users who have not experienced stigma and discrimination, but feel a slight concern (8.1%), and users who have experienced some form of discrimination and feel concern (1.6%). …”
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Análisis de los determinantes sociales y necesidades de salud no satisfechas. Priorización de la atención en hogares migrantes indígenas y no indígenas
Published 2018“…Conclusiones: Los resultados de este estudio permitieron identificar los principales determinantes y las necesidades de salud no satisfechas, con el fin de tener bases para formular políticas públicas y reducir las brechas existentes en este grupo vulnerable…”
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Inactivación de norovirus mediante compuestos naturales.
Published 2017“…At present, no effective treatment has been developed against this disease since sanitization based on chlorine solutions used in the food industry, as well as handwashing with soap and water, have been inefficient in achieving the total removal of the pathogen.; in addition there are no efficient vaccines due to their great genetic variability and the lack of a robust study model. …”
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Caracterización molecular de razas severas y débiles del virus de la tristeza de los cítricos
Published 2005“…This study was aimed at developing a method for the differentiation of races of the CTV, based on the molecular characterization of the viral genome. …”
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Pediculus capitis in schoolchildren of the urban area of Nuevo León, México: Analyses of associated factors
Published 2017“…Therefore, new contributions are needed to design control strategies based on factors that may predispose to head lice infestation. …”
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Efecto de la restauración post-minería de la comunidad vegetal de matorral xerófilo, en Nuevo León, México
Published 2017“…Species richness (S), Margalef index (DMg) and Shannon index (H’) showed significant differences (mean values S 4.75 and 8.25, DMg 0.87 and 1.80, H’ 0.7 and 1.54, respectively) between the restored and reference area while the variables of density, crown area, and Pretzsch index (A) were similar. Conclusions: Based on the similarity in the density and crown area with a reference area, we conclude that active restoration techniques, involving deposition of rock and soil materials and exclusion of industrial activities, generate favorable conditions for the reestablishment of vegetation communities in Tamaulipan thornscrub in seven years. …”
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Bioestratigrafía de rudistas (Bivalvia – Hippuritida) de la parte basal de la Formación Cupido, en Nuevo León, México
Published 2017“…The present work was carried out in the localities of Potrero Garcia and La Huasteca Canyon in the northern part of Nuevo Leon state, and consisted in develop the biostratigraphic study based on the rudists of the basal part, approximately 65 meters, of the Cupido Formation. …”
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Estilos interepersonales del entrenador, frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el burnout: un análisis longitudinal en futbolistas
Published 2016“…Finalmente,la FA y FR actuaron como predictores positivos del BO. Abstract A model based on the Basic Needs Theory was tested in accordance with the following sequence: Coach’s Autonomy Support (AA) and Authoritarian styles (EC) Basic psychological need frustration (FNPB) Burnout (BO). …”
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Estilos interepersonales del entrenador, frustración de las necesidades psicológicas básicas y el burnout: un análisis longitudinal en futbolistas
Published 2016“…Finalmente, la FA y FR actuaron como predictores positivos del BO. Abstract A model based on the Basic Needs Theory was tested in accordance with the following sequence: Coach’s Autonomy Support (AA) and Authoritarian styles (EC) Basic psychological need frustration (FNPB) Burnout (BO). …”
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