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Impacto de la Manufactura Esbelta, Manufactura Sustentable y Mejora Continua en la Eficiencia Operacional y Responsabilidad Ambiental en México
Published 2013“…El estudio establece las bases para análisis posteriores del modelo con el fin de predecir desempeños en la eficiencia operacional y sus variables clave, así como prescribir estrategias y tácticas para la adopción exitosa de los enfoques analizados. …”
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LADES: a software for constructing and analyzing longitudinal designs in biomedical research
Published 2014“…Several methods for constructing efficient longitudinal designs have been developed based on power analysis and the statistical model used for analyzing the final results. …”
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Análisis del comportamiento de las exportaciones del Departamento del Atlántico (Colombia) entre 2012 – 2016 = Analysis of the Behavior of the Exports of the Atlántico Department...
Published 2018“…Under a quantitative approach, the documentary review based on data mining is used as a research technique in its development. …”
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Beneficios, barreras y apoyo social para el ejercicio en universitarios: diferencias por grado escolar
Published 2017“…ABSTRACT: Differences according to education level among exercise benefits, exercise barriers and exercise social support in university students were examined. Based on the model of Health Promotion Pender. Descriptive comparative design. …”
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Trustworthiness of randomized trials in endocrinology—A systematic survey
Published 2019“…Background Trustworthy (i.e. low risk of bias) randomized clinical trials (RCTs) play an important role in evidence-based decision making. We aimed to systematically assess the risk of bias of trials published in high-impact endocrinology journals. …”
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Reassessment of the distribution and population size of Spizella wortheni
Published 2018“…Our results demonstrate that conservation assessment based on limited records can exaggerate the vulnerability of species, and confirm that the Worthen’s Sparrow population and geographic distribution range are larger than previously determined, indicating that the Red List status of this species should be reconsidered. …”
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Climate complexity in the migratory cycle of Ammodramus bairdii
Published 2018“…The geographic areas with optimal, suboptimal and marginal conditions were identified, based on the distance to the centroid of the GN. …”
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Temozolomide Enhances Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Virotherapy In Vitro
Published 2018“…However, oncolytic adenovirus (OAd)-based mono-therapeutic clinical trials have resulted in modest outcomes. …”
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Nutritional contribution of fish meal and microalgal biomass produced from two endemic microalgae to the growth of shrimp Penaeus vannamei
Published 2018“…Results demonstrate that low dietary inclusion levels of microalgal biomass elicit similar or higher growth rates than diets based on a fish meal only. Isotopic data indicated that microalgae actually contributed protein to tissue accretion. …”
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Etiquetas de secuencias expresadas diferenciales de frutos de aguacate raza mexicana (Persea americana Mill. var. drymifolia)
Published 2018“…Diez genotipos con frutos de forma y tamaño diferentes fueron seleccionados para generar ESTs por la técnica de despliegue diferencial.Se obtuvieron en total 393 fragmentos diferenciales amplificados, 82 fragmentos diferenciales fueron secuenciados y editados para identificación y comparación en las bases de datos para nucleótidos y proteínas del NCBI. …”
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Transmission dynamics of an iridescent virus in an experimental mosquito population: the role of host density.
Published 2005“…Maximum likelihood models based on the binomial distribution were fitted to empirical results. …”
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El desempeño del personal y el compromiso organizacional en hospitales universitarios mexicanos: un modelo de ecuaciones estructurales basado en regresiones de mínimos cuadrados pa...
Published 2018“…This investigation seeks to identify organizational and individual factors that determine personnel performance and organizational commitment through professional health personnel behavioral features, using structural equation modeling based on partial least squares regressions. The analysis developed by the SmartPLS 3 software reveals interesting results that refute what previous research exhibit.…”
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Influence of Controlled Cooling in Bimodal Scaffold Fabrication Using Polymers with Different Melting Temperatures
Published 2017“…On average, bimodal scaffolds with overall dimensions of 30×30×2.4 mm3 (strand diameter of 0.5 mm, strand stepover of 2.5 mm, pore size of 2 mm, and layer height of 0.3 mm) showed scaffold stiffness of 23.73 MPa and compression strength of 3.85 MPa. A cytotoxicity assay based human fibroblasts showed viability of the scaffold materials. …”
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Diplomacia del Agua
Published 2018“…Es por eso que no encontramos explicación de por qué la ONU no ha creado un órgano dentro de su misma institución o por qué no ha promovido la creación de algún otro organismo que sea totalmente independiente especializado en lo que se denominaría diplomacia del agua para intervenir en los conflictos presentes, lo cual coincide con la perspectiva teórica de Carius, Dabelko y Wolf “The UN should develop an integrated, systematic program of preventive water diplomacy based on modified versions of the World Bank and International Monetary Fund for Global Environment Facility framework”4 (2004). …”
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Synthesis and physicochemical characterization of photo crosslinked hydrogels of alginate/gelatin and a-tocopherol nanocapsules for their potential use as biomaterials
Published 2019“…Therefore, this project proposes the developments of photo crosslinked hydrogel matrices of alginate and gelatin and nanocapsules of polycaprolactone loeaded with atocopherol that have a potential use for a natural regenerative response of the skin by eliminating excessive free radicals. Based on what previously explained the question was raised: Will hydrogels made with biopolymers and loaded with nanoencapsulated a-tocopherol promotes a faster and more effective cell proliferation response? …”
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Modelo para aprendizaje basado en competencias para la utilización de software aplicado a proyectos de construcción en las empresas constructoras del área metropolitana de Monte...
Published 2010“…Después, en marco teórico se hace un compendio de textos y documentos pertinentes al tema de investigación, recopilados en diferentes dependencias académicas y bases de datos electrónicas, tratando de establecer un análisis de lo que dicen sus autores, y señalando de que manera apoyan lo que se plantea en este documento. …”
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Evaluación de las poblaciones de las principales presas de jaguar y puma en las serranías del municipio de Nácori Chico, Sonora, México
Published 2007“…Con esta información se pretender establecer las bases para establecer estrategias de conservación y manejo de los grandes felinos en el área. …”
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Síntesis de compuestos organoboro y su aplicación como rotor molecular fluorescente: viscocromismo y tinción celular
Published 2020“…Propósito y método de estudio: El presente trabajo está centrado en la síntesis y caracterización espectroscópica, espectrométrica y óptica de una serie de compuestos boro derivados de bases de Schiff con aminoácidos, los cuales serán aplicados como rotor molecular fluorescente (RMF) en mezclas de diferente relación de metanol y glicerol para proveer ambientes de diferente viscosidad, con el objetivo de observar un incremento en la intensidad de fluorescencia respecto al aumento de viscosidad. …”
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Tailoring the microstructure and tribological properties in commercially pure aluminium processed by High Pressure Torsion Extrusion
Published 2021“…Three different HPTE regimes based on the extrusion speed of the punch (v, mm/min) and rotational speed of the die (Ï�, rpm) were used in this work: v7w1, v1w1, and v1w3. …”
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Estado de la investigación sobre inteligencia emocional y rendimiento deportivo
Published 2022“…Se realizó la búsqueda en las bases de datos Dialnet, Google Scholar, PubMed y Redalyc utilizando las palabras “inteligencia emocional”, “rendimiento deportivo” y “deporte”. …”
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