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Do Musicians with Perfect Pitch Have More Autism Traits than Musicians without Perfect Pitch? An Empirical Study
Published 2012“…Perfect pitch, also known as absolute pitch (AP), refers to the rare ability to identify or produce a musical tone correctly without the benefit of an external reference. …”
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Youth in the face of disinformation: A qualitative exploration of Mexican college students’ attitudes, motivations, and abilities around false news
Published 2023“…Results reveal nuances in the ways that college students prefer social media over traditional media, even though they report finding more disinformation in the former. They also show the impact that students’ attitudes and habits have on their relationship with disinformation. …”
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An exact algorithm to solve a cloud service bilevel problem.
Published 2018“…Operational Research is also evolving, and day by day, finding better ways to approach an optimal solution for each proposed problem. …”
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Mass shift of σ-meson in nuclear matter
Published 2013“…The in-medium effect of σ–ω mixing is also studied. For completeness, the coupling of sigma to two virtual pions was also considered. …”
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Design and manufacturing of a propeller for axial-flow fan
Published 2012“…Later, the hub and the clamps were also modeled. Finally, NX 7 also made possible to create post-processed files to the required machine. …”
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Encapuchados juveniles (anarcos y feministas): crucigrama para la comunicación política de AMLO
Published 2022“…El presente artículo es producto de una revisión documental cuyo objetivo consistió en: elaborar un balance crítico de la Estrategia de Comunicación Política del Presidente mexicano Andrés Manuel López Obrador(AMLO) frente a los colectivos Encapuchados autodenominados Anarcos y Feministas Separatistas que demandaban el cese a la violencia en contra de las Mujeres y un alto al Feminicidio. Se aplicó un planteamiento teórico –metodológico enfocado en 3 líneas de acción: la Sociedad Red, los Movimientos Sociales y la Política Pop. …”
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Clasificación de tumores neuroendocrinos pituitarios mediante inmunohistoquímica para factores de transcripción pituitarios específicos de linaje y marcadores hormonales
Published 2024“…El objetivo de esta tesis es evaluar las ventajas y limitaciones de los factores de transcripción pituitarios, proponiéndolos como una alternativa eficiente y de alto rendimiento frente al abordaje convencional.…”
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Clasificación de tumores neuroendocrinos pituitarios mediante inmunohistoquímica para factores de transcripción pituitarios específicos de linaje y marcadores hormonales
Published 2024“…El objetivo de esta tesis es evaluar las ventajas y limitaciones de los factores de transcripción pituitarios, proponiéndolos como una alternativa eficiente y de alto rendimiento frente al abordaje convencional.…”
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New Technologies in Extrusion Process for Shrimp Feed
Published 2011“…This is why the feed must also generate lower levels of waste.It is well known that the extrusion process compared with the pelleting process, produce better nutritional quality feed, but in the particular case of shrimp, where a feed of high density and stable in the water is required, the extrusion by itself is not able to achieve these levels of desired density.The main characteristics of the shrimp feed are:- Water Stability, Digestibility, Quick sinking, Smaller size of the pellet, Reduces pollution in the water, - Lowering costs in the feed and OtherAlthough the extrusion process requires a highest investment and also the operational costs are higher than the pelleting process, if the extrusion process has the appropriate technology for densification, it would be much cheaper with a much greater profit than the pelleting process and most importantly, with a better quality feed as a result.In this work we show the latest technological advances in this direction to achieve a feed for shrimp in high quality and low cost through the extrusion process.…”
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Síndrome de Burnout en el personal de enfermería de una institución de salud del sector privado
Published 2007“…En el segundo nivel de atención se presentó un cansancio emocional alto 70.2%, despersonalización alta 54.8% y baja realización personal en 11.4%. …”
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Asociación de calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular y gravedad en pacientes con infarto cerebral de tipo isquémico
Published 2021“…La enfermedad cerebrovascular (EVC) es una causa prevenible de discapacidad y muerte temprana en el mundo, y contribuye en gran medida un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Una etiología subyacente de esta enfermedad está relacionada a la enfermedad cardiovascular y la ateroesclerosis. …”
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Síndrome de Burnout en el personal de enfermería de una institución de salud del sector privado
Published 2007“…En el segundo nivel de atención se presentó un cansancio emocional alto 70.2%, despersonalización alta 54.8% y baja realización personal en 11.4%. …”
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Asociación de calculadoras de riesgo cardiovascular y gravedad en pacientes con infarto cerebral de tipo isquémico
Published 2021“…La enfermedad cerebrovascular (EVC) es una causa prevenible de discapacidad y muerte temprana en el mundo, y contribuye en gran medida un alto costo para el sistema de salud. Una etiología subyacente de esta enfermedad está relacionada a la enfermedad cardiovascular y la ateroesclerosis. …”
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Practical Diets for Litopenaeus Vannamei (Boone, 1931): Working Towards Organic and/or All Plant Production Diets.
Published 2019“…However, if one is to develop productionschemes for such markets, one must also produce an organic feed or one that has minimal levels of marine proteinsand oils. …”
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Experimental and numerical analysis of HPTE on mechanical properties of materials and strain distribution
Published 2017“…Results of this research will help us better understand the effect of process parameters and also geometry of the die on materials.…”
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Evaluación del efecto puzolánico del vidrio de borosilicato finamente molido, en sustitución parcial de cemento portland en morteros.
Published 2017“…En esta investigación se optó por fabricar morteros con características típicas de los concretos de alto comportamiento con una relación agua-cementante baja (A/Cem = 0.35). …”
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Evaluación del efecto puzolánico del vidrio de borosilicato finamente molido, en sustitución parcial de cemento portland en morteros.
Published 2017“…En esta investigación se optó por fabricar morteros con características típicas de los concretos de alto comportamiento con una relación agua-cementante baja (A/Cem = 0.35). …”
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Validity of the Wingate anaerobic test for the evaluation of elite runners
Published 2011“…For male runners, PP and MP outputs decreased with increasing distance (p , 0.001). This trend was also true for female runners (p , 0.005). However, for both sexes, there were no significant differences in the PP values among 100-, 400-, and 800-m runners, and there were also no differences in the MP values for subjects that ran distances of 100 m compared with the values for subjects that ran distances of 400 and 800 m. …”
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Effect of taurine precursor on growth and taurine content of rarine fish
Published 2022“…Considering risk of having malformation in fish fed cysteamine, cysteic acid is a better choice as taurine precursor. We also examined effect of taurine supplementation to non-fishmeal diet on distal intestine of juvenile red sea bream. …”
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