Search Results - ( (dominant OR dominios) OR (( (dominicana OR dominic) OR dominicos ) OR dominio ))*
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- México 5
- Mexico 4
- Agricultura algodonera 3
- Agroindustria 3
- Comarca Lagunera 3
- Conquista 3
- Historia algodonera, 3
- Norte de México 3
- descubrimiento 3
- norte del virreinato 3
- oro 3
- perlas 3
- plata 3
- pueblos originarios 3
- riqueza minera 3
- tecnología 3
- Utopia 2
- Utopía 2
- communication 2
- comunicación 2
- cultural diversity 2
- espacio público 2
- 1
- , English proficiency 1
- 031 1
- 032 1
- 033 1
- : Violencia simbólica, discriminación de género, relaciones laborales, representaciones 1
- Acontecimiento artístico 1
- Acoso laboral 1
De la victoria de un candidato independiente a los desafíos en la eficacia del desempeño gubernamental: el caso del estado de Nuevo León, México = From the Victory of an Independen...
Published 2018“…As an unprecedented case in Mexico, it is analyzed considering the conditions of the political system characterized by a hegemonic political party dominating everything, where their capability to minimize the political representation has been a constant trait. …”
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La razón ficticia en la era digital: una mirada crítica: un aperçu critique
Published 2023Get full text
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Globalización: Las tecnologías de la información como reto actual de los negocios (Globalization: Technology information as a business challenge)
Published 2014“…Globalization appears in our society with an overwhelming force, as an ongoing process that cannot be stopped, however, that focusing resources properly can counteract nations to dominate and get significant benefits for each country in different sectors. …”
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Caracterización microfacial de los sedimentos carbonatados del Albiano-Cenomaniano en la parte central del estado de Nuevo León
Published 2017“…The results generated in this work range from mudstone-wackestone pelagic limestone with abundance of plancktonic foraminfera and radiolarians to bioclastic mudstone-grainstone/floatstone-rudstone dominated by rudists as macrofossil as well as fragments of bivalves and benthic foraminifera at microscopic level. …”
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Tesis -
Caracterización microfacial de los sedimentos carbonatados del Albiano-Cenomaniano en la parte central del estado de Nuevo León
Published 2017“…The results generated in this work range from mudstone-wackestone pelagic limestone with abundance of plancktonic foraminfera and radiolarians to bioclastic mudstone-grainstone/floatstone-rudstone dominated by rudists as macrofossil as well as fragments of bivalves and benthic foraminifera at microscopic level. …”
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Globalización: Las tecnologías de la información como reto actual de los negocios
Published 2014Get full text
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Análisis sobre el perfil de directivos empresariales en México: caso de estudio (Analysis of the profile business executives in Mexico: case study)
Published 2012“…CEOs of the 300 total, 273 have a Bachelor's representing 91% of the total, dominated by graduates of Business Administration with 44 cases represented by 15.88%. …”
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Análisis estructural de dos áreas del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco del noreste de México
Published 2017“…Key words: abundance, dominance, frequency, IVI, hill, Sorensen, plain.…”
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Caracterización estructural del arbolado en un ejido forestal del noroeste de México Structural characterization of the trees of a forest ejido of northwest Mexico
Published 2017“…This forest area had a density of 787 ind ha-1, a dominance (basal area) 22,93 m2 ha-1 and a crown cover of 8838 m2 ha-1. …”
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Composición y diversidad de especies forestales en bosques templados de Puebla, México
Published 2017“…For each of the species, dominance was quantified through the basal area, and abundance calculated according to the number of trees and their frequency within the sample plots; a weighted value was generated for each species, known as the importance value index (IVI). …”
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Análisis sobre el perfil de directivos empresariales en México: caso de estudio
Published 2012Get full text
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Análisis estructural de un área agroforestal en una porción del matorral xerófilo del noreste de México
Published 2018“…The Agroforestry area presented lower abundance but greater dominance compared with the other two areas studied, and it was the area that reached the highest percentage of similarity with the Reference area. …”
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Efecto de la restauración post-minería de la comunidad vegetal de matorral xerófilo, en Nuevo León, México
Published 2017“…Our research evaluated the abundance, dominance, frequency, and diversity of species in three areas of Tamaulipan thornscrub. …”
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Estudio del comportamiento a fatiga a bajo ciclo de las aleaciones de aluminio hipoeutécticas
Published 2021“…Through fractography, it was determined that the defects inherent to the casting process, such as, for example, porosity close to the surface and of greater size, dominated the nucleation phenomenon; fatigue striations were also observed, as well as damaged, cracked and detached particles. …”
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Tesis -
Estudio del comportamiento a fatiga a bajo ciclo de las aleaciones de aluminio hipoeutécticas
Published 2021“…Through fractography, it was determined that the defects inherent to the casting process, such as, for example, porosity close to the surface and of greater size, dominated the nucleation phenomenon; fatigue striations were also observed, as well as damaged, cracked and detached particles. …”
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Caracterización y estructura florística de un grupo funcional vegetal del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco
Published 2018“…For each specie was obtained the importance value index (IVI) calculated starting of three variables, abundance according with the number of trees per hectare (n ha-1) dominance across of the coverage of the canopy area, and frequency with base in its presence in the sites of sampling. …”
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