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Germinación, facilitación y competencia entre plantas del noreste de México y su relación con la filogenia.
Published 2018“…Of the thirteen species studied, all emerged in at least one of the repetitions. Only data from nine species were analyzed, which had an emergency higher than 30%. …”
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Efecto sinérgico de distintos extractos vegetales y Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis para el control de Aedes aegypti (L.) (diptera, culicidae)
Published 2020“…Preliminary tests to evaluate the larvicidal activity of three commercial plant extracts and nine methanolic extracts at concentrations of 50 and 500 ppm were performed, from which the methanolic extracts of Persea americana, Heliopsis longipes, Piper nigrum and Curcuma longa were selected by present the greatest larvicidal activity. …”
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Variantes genéticas en la región 3’UTR de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 y su reconocimiento por miARNs en cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario
Published 2020“…The 3’UTR regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 were amplified by PCR and sequenced to identify genetic variants using bioinformatics tools. We detected nine polymorphisms in 3’UTR, namely: four in BRCA1 (rs3092995 (C/G), rs8176318 (C/T), rs111791349 (G/A), and rs12516 (C/T)) and five in BRCA2 (rs15869 (A/C), rs7334543 (A/G), rs1157836 (A/G), and rs75353978 (TT/del TT)). …”
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Efecto tóxico in vivo e in vitro de los extractos polares de nueve plantas utilizadas en medicina tradicional.
Published 2018“…The objective of this research is to determine the toxic effect, in vivo e in vitro, from the aqueous and methanol extract of nine plants used in the traditional mexican medicine. …”
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Germinación, facilitación y competencia entre plantas del noreste de México y su relación con la filogenia.
Published 2018“…Of the thirteen species studied, all emerged in at least one of the repetitions. Only data from nine species were analyzed, which had an emergency higher than 30%. …”
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Efecto sinérgico de distintos extractos vegetales y Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis para el control de Aedes aegypti (L.) (diptera, culicidae)
Published 2020“…Preliminary tests to evaluate the larvicidal activity of three commercial plant extracts and nine methanolic extracts at concentrations of 50 and 500 ppm were performed, from which the methanolic extracts of Persea americana, Heliopsis longipes, Piper nigrum and Curcuma longa were selected by present the greatest larvicidal activity. …”
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Variantes genéticas en la región 3’UTR de los genes BRCA1 y BRCA2 y su reconocimiento por miARNs en cáncer de mama y ovario hereditario
Published 2020“…The 3’UTR regions of BRCA1 and BRCA2 were amplified by PCR and sequenced to identify genetic variants using bioinformatics tools. We detected nine polymorphisms in 3’UTR, namely: four in BRCA1 (rs3092995 (C/G), rs8176318 (C/T), rs111791349 (G/A), and rs12516 (C/T)) and five in BRCA2 (rs15869 (A/C), rs7334543 (A/G), rs1157836 (A/G), and rs75353978 (TT/del TT)). …”
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Análisis de la nidalidad de infección de la leishmaniasis. Paradigmas eco-epidemiológicos a diferentes niveles espaciales y temporales.
Published 2018“…The sampling was carried out in one square km2 of nine transects subdivided into spatial scales of 15 m (with 65 places or points of capture), 62 m (with 17 places or points of capture) and 125 m (with 9 places or points of capture). …”
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Análisis de la nidalidad de infección de la leishmaniasis. Paradigmas eco-epidemiológicos a diferentes niveles espaciales y temporales.
Published 2018“…The sampling was carried out in one square km2 of nine transects subdivided into spatial scales of 15 m (with 65 places or points of capture), 62 m (with 17 places or points of capture) and 125 m (with 9 places or points of capture). …”
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Published 2024“…De igual manera, nutren los contenidos de este número los artículos y las reseñas de egresados y alumnos del Colegio de Historia de la UANL: Margarita Isabel Arvide Basterra, Sofía Guajardo Acosta, Luis Ángel Rosas Navarro, Frida I. González Hernández y Ana Paulina Rodríguez Medellín. En definitiva, esta edición de Cultura Regional, correspondiente al volumen 2, número 4, ofrece un amplio abanico de trabajos que, aunque obedecen a inquietudes de investigación distintas, comparten la característica de ser contribuciones originales al conocimiento de la historia. …”
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Evaluación de la satisfacción sexual masculina posterior a la vasectomía
Published 2010“…La prueba de Wilcoxon fue usada para el ana´lisis estadı ´stico. Resultados: La media de la puntuacio´n total fue 67,0775,25 vs. 67,8375,71 antes y despue´s de la vasectomı´a respectivamente (p¼0,07). …”
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Evaluación de diversidad, distribución e importancia económica de la familia Agavaceae en el Noreste de México
Published 2009“…This potential natural resource is actually being managed and for improvement in all of the country, under important productive activities for the benefit of the domestic and industrial economy by means of traditional uses, which mounts up to knowledge dating back at least a than nine thousands year. The Agave genus is the better known and most important out of the 9 of this family. …”
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Evaluación de diversidad, distribución e importancia económica de la familia Agavaceae en el Noreste de México
Published 2009“…This potential natural resource is actually being managed and for improvement in all of the country, under important productive activities for the benefit of the domestic and industrial economy by means of traditional uses, which mounts up to knowledge dating back at least a than nine thousands year. The Agave genus is the better known and most important out of the 9 of this family. …”
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Published 2025“…El presente número no es la excepción: el lector podrá encontrar colaboraciones de Dinorah Zapata Vázquez, coordinadora del CIHR, y de Félix Torres Gómez, investigador adscrito a dicha dependencia universitaria, así como de estudiantes de los colegios de Historia y de Letras de la UANL: Ana Carolina Campos López, María José Somohano Torres, Frida Ixchel González Hernández, René Arnoldo Hernández Moreno, Ubaldo Rodríguez Flores, Alina Naomi Hernández González, Marianne del Carmen Benítez Rodríguez y Sofía Guajardo Acosta. …”
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Diversidad de escarabajos atraídos a trampas cebadas con etanol en huertas de aguacate en Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, México
Published 2020“…A total of 7275 beetles were collected from the air traps and grouped into nine families, 17 genera and 16 species. The largest number of species corresponded to specimens of the Curculionidae family: Caulophilus latinasus, Corthylus flagellifer, Corthylus petilus, Euplatypus parallelus, Hylocorus medius, Hypothenemus rutundicolis, Hypothenemus seriatus, and Xyleborus ferrugineus. …”
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Diversidad de escarabajos atraídos a trampas cebadas con etanol en huertas de aguacate en Sabinas Hidalgo, Nuevo León, México
Published 2020“…A total of 7275 beetles were collected from the air traps and grouped into nine families, 17 genera and 16 species. The largest number of species corresponded to specimens of the Curculionidae family: Caulophilus latinasus, Corthylus flagellifer, Corthylus petilus, Euplatypus parallelus, Hylocorus medius, Hypothenemus rutundicolis, Hypothenemus seriatus, and Xyleborus ferrugineus. …”
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MACVIA clinical decision algorithm in adolescents and adults with allergic rhinitis
Published 2016Get full text
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Evaluación de la actividad antitumoral de células madre mesenquimales que sobreexpresan TRAIL e IFNβ en un modelo murino de linfoma.
Published 2018“…The expression of transgene protein products by the transduced CMM-MO was confirmed by Western Blot. Nine groups of eight female mice were inoculated in the right gastrocnemius, with L5178Y lymphoma cells and the evolution was followed by measuring the tumor diameter. …”
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Evaluación de la actividad antitumoral de células madre mesenquimales que sobreexpresan TRAIL e IFNβ en un modelo murino de linfoma.
Published 2018“…The expression of transgene protein products by the transduced CMM-MO was confirmed by Western Blot. Nine groups of eight female mice were inoculated in the right gastrocnemius, with L5178Y lymphoma cells and the evolution was followed by measuring the tumor diameter. …”
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