Search Results - (((eniza OR nica) OR rica) OR (merica OR ((teticas OR (tlenica OR geunica)) OR athletic)))*
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- alimentación 3
- Costa Rica 2
- Deporte 2
- Mexico 2
- México 2
- campaña electoral 2
- communication 2
- comunicación 2
- deporte 2
- entrenamiento 2
- sport 2
- , depression 1
- Adolescente en conflicto con la Ley Penal 1
- Agricultura 1
- Aloe vera 1
- América Central 1
- Ansiedad, enfrentamiento al estrés corredores, medio fondo 1
- Anxiety, coping with runners' stress, medium depth 1
- Arabinoxilanos 1
- Arabinoxylans 1
- Armed Forces 1
- Artículo 1
- Atención plena en el deporte 1
- Bienestar psicológico, educación superior, práctica deportiva, actividad física, salud mental 1
- Bioactive compounds 1
- Biodiversity decline 1
- Boxeo 1
- Boxing 1
- Burnout, deportistas, estrés, universitarios 1
- Calidad Educativa 1
Adaptation of task and ego orientation in sport questionnaire (TEOSQ) to the mexican population
Published 2011“…The questionnaire was distributed to 239 athletes from 14 different kinds of sport competing in the 2008 National Children’s and Youth Olympiad with an age range of 12 to 18 years (M = 14.56, SD = 1.67). …”
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Adaptación a la población mexicana del Cuestionario de Orientación al Ego y a la Tarea en el Deporte (TEOSQ)
Published 2011“…The questionnaire was distributed to 239 athletes from 14 different kinds of sport competing in the 2008 National Children’s and Youth Olympiad with an age range of 12 to 18 years (M = 14.56, SD = 1.67). …”
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Estudio de la cristalización de ZrO2 en el sistema sol-gel: ZrO2-SiO2
Published 2003“…La temperatura de cristalización para las composiciones ricas en zirconia fue menor y aumentó a medida que el contenido de sílice aumentaba. …”
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Condiciones medioambientales en el Partido de Zacatecas para la producción agrícola y ganadera de las haciendas porfirianas
Published 2023“…Las condiciones medioambientales del Partido de Zacatecas, no obstante las sierras que lo componen con ricas vetas minerales reactivadas durante el siglo XIX, permitieron el establecimiento y explotación de importantes haciendas agrícolas y ganaderas que abastecieron, por la cercanía, las necesidades de alimentos e insumos para la población de la ciudad de Zacatecas y centros mineros y municipalidades aledaños a ésta. …”
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All-Inside Partial Epiphyseal Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Plus an Associated Modified Lemaire Procedure Sutured to the Femoral Button
Published 2019“…Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears in skeletally immature patients are on the rise; pediatric athletes are now in constant year-round sports participation. …”
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Clima motivacional percibido, motivación autodeterminada y autoestima en jóvenes deportistas mexicanos
Published 2011“…A total of 651 young Mexican athletes (Mage= 13.99; SD= 1.88) took part in the survey: 330 girls and 321 boys who answered the three Spanish versions of the following questionnaires: PMCSQ-2, SMS and SDQ-III. …”
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Estrés-recuperación psicofisiológica y su relación con las cargas internas del entrenamiento y el rendimiento deportivo.
Published 2018“…The second study, was proposed for the follow-up to the training and the recovery-stress balance during a training period in athletes of athletics of the UANL, explaining the evaluation methods used, the times, the procedure, as well as the analyzes performed on the data obtained from the investigation. …”
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Estrés-recuperación psicofisiológica y su relación con las cargas internas del entrenamiento y el rendimiento deportivo.
Published 2018“…The second study, was proposed for the follow-up to the training and the recovery-stress balance during a training period in athletes of athletics of the UANL, explaining the evaluation methods used, the times, the procedure, as well as the analyzes performed on the data obtained from the investigation. …”
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Climas motivacionales, motivación autodeterminada, afectos y burnout en deportistas: enfoque multinivel
Published 2017“…It is suggested that coaches generate a task-involving climate to promote the well-being of athletes…”
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Estado de la investigación sobre inteligencia emocional y rendimiento deportivo
Published 2022Get full text
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Situational and Dispositional Factors that Predict Motivation: a Multilevel Study
Published 2017“…This study aimed to test a multilevel mediation model which examined the relationship between the perceived motivational climate created by coaches at team level and motivational regulations towards sport at individual level, as mediated by individual goal orientations. 211 university athletes from 20 teams training in different types of sport completed a battery of instruments that measured the variables included in the model. …”
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Cardiac biomarker response to intermittent exercise bouts
Published 2011“…The impact of intermittent exercise on cardiac biomarker release has not been clearly established. In experienced athletes, we examined the acute eff ect of a heavy resistance training session (n = 18 males) and an indoor soccer match (n = 21, 11 males, 10 females) on the release of cTnI, cTnT, and NT-proBNP. …”
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Impact of the internal training load over recovery-stress balance in endurance runners
Published 2017“…The results coincide with other previous investigations in which the relationship between the increase in the training loads and the perception of this by the athletes.…”
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Invarianza factorial de la TEOSQ en jóvenes deportistas mexicanos y españoles
Published 2011“…This study examines factorial validity and reliability of teosq in the case of Spanish (n = 563) and Mexican (n = 553) junior athletes. The factor structure, factor loadings and intercepts of the instrument can be considered invariant across groups. …”
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Caracterización petrofísica de la formación La Casita en afloramientos del NE de México y aplicación en pruebas de presión en un yacimiento hidráulicamente fracturado
Published 2017“…Los yacimientos de aceite y gas en lutitas se definen como un sistema petrolero de rocas arcillosas orgánicamente ricas de baja permeabilidad, que actúan a la vez como generadoras, almacenadoras, trampa y sello. …”
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Caracterización petrofísica de la formación La Casita en afloramientos del NE de México y aplicación en pruebas de presión en un yacimiento hidráulicamente fracturado
Published 2017“…Los yacimientos de aceite y gas en lutitas se definen como un sistema petrolero de rocas arcillosas orgánicamente ricas de baja permeabilidad, que actúan a la vez como generadoras, almacenadoras, trampa y sello. …”
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Adaptación al Español de la Versión Corta del Inventario de Perfeccionismo Multidimensional en el Deporte en Competición
Published 2017“…Palabras clave: perfeccionismo, validez, fiabilidad, estudio psicométrico, deporte de competición Abstract The aim of this study was to validate the adaptation to Spanish of the short version of the Multidimensional Inventory of Perfectionism in Sport (MIPS) in competitive situation, by analyzing the factorial structure, factorial invariance by gender and type of sport (individual vs. collective), and the validity based on the relationship with other variables. 295 elite athletes of both genders responded to the instrument. …”
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Barita en el sur de Nuevo León: su distribución y perspectivas
Published 2006“…El basamento, los lechos rojos y las evaporitas dieron los componentes necesarios para la formación de soluciones hidrotermales ricas en BaSO4. Las Fms. Huizachal (Triásico Superior-Jurásico Inferior) y Novillo (Oxfordiano) fueron el medio adecuado para que precipitaran a partir de los reacomodamientos de las evaporitas Barite, which is present in the Mesozoic and Early Cenozoic sediments, has a broad distribution in Mexico. …”
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