Search Results - (((ecologists OR (ecologistasss OR ecologias)) OR (ecologist OR ecological)) OR ecologista)*
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- conservación 4
- conservation 4
- Artículo 3
- Naturaleza, sustentabilidad, ambiente, protección, ecología 3
- biodiversidad 3
- biodiversity 3
- Biodiversity 2
- Ecology 2
- Ecología 2
- Mexico 2
- México 2
- Nature, sustainability, environment, protection, ecology 2
- dietas 2
- ecological 2
- ecológico 2
- environmental history 2
- isótopos estables 2
- peces 2
- sustainability 2
- sustentabilidad 2
- 5S´S 1
- Agavaceae 1
- Aguacate 1
- Ajolote 1
- Alimento ancestral 1
- Ancestral food 1
- Anthropogenic impact 1
- Aquaculture 1
- Atención de emergencias 1
- Automotive Chain 1
Principios de diversidad y proximidad geográfica en un ecosistema industrial: Análisis de redes sociales en la región Toluca-Lerma
Published 2015Subjects: “…ecología industrial…”
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Phenology of woody species: a review
Published 2014“…It might be possible for ecologists to establish comprehensive networks for long-term monitoring of potential photosynthetic capacity from regional to global scales by linking satellite-based programme. …”
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La insostenibilidad del desarrollo en las entidades federativas de México
Published 2020“…The method consists in estimating the weights for each entity based on the analysis of the main components of the variables most correlated with the intensity of consumption and the generation of waste in each entity. The surplus and ecological deficit is also estimated. The results indicate that Tlaxcala is the entity with the lowest ecological footprint and Mexico City with the highest. …”
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Puntos de vista de la responsabilidad social corporativa
Published 2005“…Lo cierto es que el enfoque de voluntariedad de la Responsabilidad Corporativa, lo convierte en un barco en el que solo se suben los que tienen una presión real por parte de los accionistas y los grupos de interés (como empleados, proveedores, grupos ecologistas, ONG s, sociedad) en implementar estrategias que permitan la mejora social y medio ambiental como medio de generar un valor agregado que sirva de atracción de inversión y que también genere un crecimiento sostenible enel largo plazo.…”
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Puntos de vista de la responsabilidad social corporativa (Points of view on social corporate responsibility
Published 2005“…The "voluntary" situation ofthe social corporate rsponsibility turns it into a ship where only companies that have a real pressure from the shareholders or stake holders (like employees, suppliers, ecologist, 0NG's, society) to implement strategies that allows a social and environmental improvement as a way of get in an aggregate value that will atkact investment and assure a sustainable growth in the long time. …”
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Sistema de protección ambiental para una institución educativa privada
Published 2015“…Reconociendo las nacientes necesidades del medioambiente en conjunto con la sociedad, se están llevado a cabo acciones que concienticen desde temprana edad a todos los miembros de la sociedad, por lo que se vio la necesidad de infundir la cultura ecologista desde la educación institucional, primeramente la media superior, y a partir de los resultados se decidió implementarla desde la educación básica incluyendo la educación media. …”
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Sistema de protección ambiental para una institución educativa privada
Published 2015“…Reconociendo las nacientes necesidades del medioambiente en conjunto con la sociedad, se están llevado a cabo acciones que concienticen desde temprana edad a todos los miembros de la sociedad, por lo que se vio la necesidad de infundir la cultura ecologista desde la educación institucional, primeramente la media superior, y a partir de los resultados se decidió implementarla desde la educación básica incluyendo la educación media. …”
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Revisión y aspectos ecológicos de la familia Eulimidae Philippi 1853 (Gasterópoda) de las Costas del Pacífico Oriental Tropical y Atlántico Mexicano.
Published 2018“…According to this study, the taxonomic and ecological panorama are still incomplete, the interest at the international level to improve the taxonomy of the family is ongoing, new publications and information related to taxonomy and ecological association preferences are being generated, these studies will improve the knowledge of the group.…”
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Revisión y aspectos ecológicos de la familia Eulimidae Philippi 1853 (Gasterópoda) de las Costas del Pacífico Oriental Tropical y Atlántico Mexicano.
Published 2018“…According to this study, the taxonomic and ecological panorama are still incomplete, the interest at the international level to improve the taxonomy of the family is ongoing, new publications and information related to taxonomy and ecological association preferences are being generated, these studies will improve the knowledge of the group.…”
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Climate complexity in the migratory cycle of Ammodramus bairdii
Published 2018“…Abstract One way to understand the ecology of bird migration is to analyze how birds use their ecological niche during their annual cycle. …”
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Integrating Disciplines with PBL at the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon (UANL)
Published 2020“…Finally, we mention some findings from the Sustainable Ecological Environments LU. Most notably, the students favour working in multidisciplinary teams and the amount of student investment was higher than in traditionally taught courses. …”
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Plant characterization of genetically modified maize hybrids MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-88Ø17-3, MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6, and MON-ØØ6Ø3-6: alternatives for maize production in Mexico...
Published 2017“…Two sets of studies, Experimental Phase and Pilot Phase, were conducted across five ecological regions (ecoregions) in Mexico during 2009–2013, and data were subject to meta-analysis. …”
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Plant characterization of genetically modified maize hybrids MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-88Ø17-3, MON-89Ø34-3 × MON-ØØ6Ø3-6, and MON-ØØ6Ø3-6: alternatives for maize production in Mexico...
Published 2016“…Two sets of studies, Experimental Phase and Pilot Phase, were conducted across five ecological regions (ecoregions) in Mexico during 2009–2013, and data were subject to meta-analysis. …”
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Current and Future Niche of North and Central American Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Climate Change Scenarios
Published 2013“…The ecological niche of 28 North and Central American sand fly species, including those with epidemiological relevance, can be used to analyze the vector’s ecology and its association with transmission risk, and plan integrated regional vector surveillance and control programs. …”
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Current and Future Niche of North and Central American Sand Flies (Diptera: Psychodidae) in Climate Change Scenarios
Published 2013“…The ecological niche of 28 North and Central American sand fly species, including those with epidemiological relevance, can be used to analyze the vector’s ecology and its association with transmission risk, and plan integrated regional vector surveillance and control programs. …”
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Insectos asociados a esporomas de macromicetos en bosques templados del municipio de Iturbide, Nuevo León
Published 2020“…At the same time with this evaluation in the ecological campus of the UANL an additional site was established on a near forest in Ejido Puerto de Reyna, Galena, Nuevo León. …”
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Insectos asociados a esporomas de macromicetos en bosques templados del municipio de Iturbide, Nuevo León
Published 2020“…At the same time with this evaluation in the ecological campus of the UANL an additional site was established on a near forest in Ejido Puerto de Reyna, Galena, Nuevo León. …”
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La educación ambiental de cara a la problemática ambiental global
Published 2007“…We analyze the current features and challenges facing the upcoming ecological and social breakdown as well as presenting new fields of work such as environmental citizenship and the prevention of risks and vulnerability.…”
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Paleoclimatic modeling and phylogeography of least killifish, Heterandria formosa: insights into Pleistocene expansion-contraction dynamics and evolutionary history of North Americ...
Published 2013“…Heterandria formosa, a wide-ranging regional endemic, presents an ideal system to test the expansion-contraction model within this biota. By integrating ecological niche modeling and phylogeography, we infer the Pleistocene history of this livebearing fish (Poeciliidae) and test for several predicted distributional and genetic effects of the last glaciation. …”
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Hydroclimatic variations reveal differences in carbon capture in two concurrent conifers in northern Mexico
Published 2019“…A comparative analysis of tree species can expand the knowledge of the carbon cycle dynamics and ecological processes in this region. Here, we examined the growth, wood density, and carbon accumulation of two threatened species (Pseudotsuga menziesii and Cupressus lusitanica) to evaluate their hydroclimatic responsiveness.…”
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