Search Results - ((( dominica OR dominical ) OR dominicos ) OR (( dominicano OR dominio ) OR dominico ))*
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Suggested Topics within your search.
- México 5
- Mexico 4
- Agricultura algodonera 3
- Agroindustria 3
- Comarca Lagunera 3
- Conquista 3
- Historia algodonera, 3
- Norte de México 3
- descubrimiento 3
- norte del virreinato 3
- oro 3
- perlas 3
- plata 3
- pueblos originarios 3
- riqueza minera 3
- tecnología 3
- Utopia 2
- Utopía 2
- communication 2
- comunicación 2
- cultural diversity 2
- espacio público 2
- 1
- , English proficiency 1
- 031 1
- 032 1
- 033 1
- : Violencia simbólica, discriminación de género, relaciones laborales, representaciones 1
- Acontecimiento artístico 1
- Acoso laboral 1
Solving a green logistics bi-level bi-objective problem.
Published 2017“…Furthermore, a path relinking algorithm is adapted in order to find the Pareto frontier for the bi-level bi-objective multi-commodity problem, in which the no dominated solutions of the tabu search and the co-evolutionary algorithms are used to initialize this procedure. …”
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Tesis -
Diagramas de densidad para manejo de bosques naturales de Pinus en la región de Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua.
Published 2018“…For the construction of the density management diagram, 331 sampling sites obtained from the forest inventory carried out in the year of 2014 were used, ,of which dasometric variables were obtained per site, which are: number of trees per hectare (N), dominant height (H0), mean square diameter (dg) and volume. …”
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La historia no contada de las mujeres en la ciencia = The untold story of women in science
Published 2018“…This article seeks, in the first place, to show the contribution of gender studies to reveal sexism and the logics of power and domination in science. Secondly, through the method of case studies, the text shows that even two of the most important scientists in the history of science experience the ‘Matilda effect’ of women in science.…”
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Solving a green logistics bi-level bi-objective problem.
Published 2017“…Furthermore, a path relinking algorithm is adapted in order to find the Pareto frontier for the bi-level bi-objective multi-commodity problem, in which the no dominated solutions of the tabu search and the co-evolutionary algorithms are used to initialize this procedure. …”
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Diagramas de densidad para manejo de bosques naturales de Pinus en la región de Guadalupe y Calvo, Chihuahua.
Published 2018“…For the construction of the density management diagram, 331 sampling sites obtained from the forest inventory carried out in the year of 2014 were used, ,of which dasometric variables were obtained per site, which are: number of trees per hectare (N), dominant height (H0), mean square diameter (dg) and volume. …”
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Comunicación política, comunicación pública y democracia, un cruce de caminos
Published 2006Get full text
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El concepto de liderazgo en la historia ante la administración sistémica
Published 2017Get full text
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Representaciones de lo abyecto en La hora de la estrella de Clarice Lispector
Published 2022Get full text
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Decolonizar los derechos humanos desde el territorio corpóreo del VIH
Published 2025Get full text
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Estrategias de Marketing Social en Salud: Análisis comparativo Nuevo León-Tabasco
Published 2019Get full text
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La evolución de la figura del outsourcing en el marco jurídico y fiscal mexicano
Published 2019Get full text
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Eventos estresantes y la relación con el consumo de alcohol y tabaco en adolescentes
Published 2014“…Resultados: El número de eventos estresantes correlacionó positivamente con el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, cigarrillos y puntuación de la Prueba de Identificación de Desórdenes por Uso de Alcohol, particularmente en los dominios de consumo perjudicial y síntomas de dependencia. …”
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Motivaciones y etapas de cambio de comportamiento ante la actividad físico-deportiva en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León(México)
Published 2012“…Otra de las razones por las cuales es importante estudiar la participación de la actividad física en vida universitaria es porque, en esta etapa, intervienen diferentes dominios como el social, cognitivo y afectivo, que resultan muy importantes para el actor de la sociedad en formación.…”
Tesis -
Motivaciones y etapas de cambio de comportamiento ante la actividad físico-deportiva en estudiantes de la Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León(México)
Published 2012“…Otra de las razones por las cuales es importante estudiar la participación de la actividad física en vida universitaria es porque, en esta etapa, intervienen diferentes dominios como el social, cognitivo y afectivo, que resultan muy importantes para el actor de la sociedad en formación.…”
Tesis -
Published 2022“…Y ello se debe a razones de mucho peso –como la casi bimilenaria interdicción de la participación verbal femenina, tanto oral, como escrita, en los asuntos de la Iglesia–, que sobrepasan todas las dificultades tradicionalmente encontradas en otros dominios de la investigación en torno a la historia y la cultura de las mujeres. …”
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Aggregation and negative interactions in low-diversity and unsaturated monogenean (Platyhelminthes) communities in Astyanax aeneus (Teleostei) populations in a neotropical river of...
Published 2019“…Amongst these, five species specialist for Astyanax were widely distributed regionally, constituting 90% of the total collected monogeneans, with one of these species dominating most component communities. The high similarities in terms of composition between the component communities (SJaccard > 60%) as well as in terms of the abundance and composition between infracommunities (SBray Curtis > 40%), provide empirical evidence that transmission, both between hosts at the same location and between component communities, is high and effective. …”
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Contradicciones éticas de las responsabilidades sociales en la bibliotecología
Published 2007“…It also proposes that the PDIs should take social responsibilities towards the political transformation of society looking for the socialization of humankind, for the humanization of society, for the social equality, for justice, for democracy and for civil liberties in favor of the dominated classes and making a common front of resistance along with all the rest of the thinking humanity to the domination of the ruling classes; not as an ethical precept, but as a foundation from the evolution of the human nature where the communal and cooperative features of human life it is found in this study as the most ancient, abundant and determinant in the history of terrestrial life, and human life. …”
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