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- Carbon stores 1
Síntesis de materiales base bismuto y plomo utilizados como cocatalizadores para la producción de hidrógeno vía fotocatálisis.
Published 2016“…Una vez obtenidos los compositos, se determinó el ancho de banda prohibida, encontrando que el espectro de absorbancia de intensifica o incrementa hacia longitudes de onda mayores. Con las pruebas fotocatalíticas se obtuvo una producción de 27, 26, 8 y 6 µmol H2/g para PbS-TiO2, PbI-TiO2, BiI3-TiO2 y Bi2S3–TiO2 respectivamente. …”
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Contenido de macro y micronutrientes en regosoles en áreas bajo manejo del matorral desértico micrófilo y rosetófilo.
Published 2018“…Para la determinación del contenido de fósforo (P) en los tratamientos se utilizó el método AS-10, por el procedimiento de Olsen y colaboradores especificado en la Norma oficial mexicana NOM-021- SEMARNAT-2000, mediante el uso de un fotocolorímetro con longitud de onda de 882nm. Para los nutrientes potasio (K), magnesio (Mg) y calcio (Ca) se utilizó el método de extracción con Acetato de amonio (C2H3O2NH4) 1N pH 7.0, por intercambio catiónico, determinados por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. …”
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Análisis de transitorios electromagnéticos en sistemas de cables subterráneos
Published 2007“…Estos se resumen como: 1) desarrollo de un modelo más preciso para análisis de cables subterráneos, 2) solución de las series de Wedepohl para calculo de impedancia de tierra, 3) implementación de un algoritmo híbrido para evaluar impedancia de tierra, 4) aplicación de la técnica de VECTFIT y el método de Brent para realizar eficientemente ajustes racionales de bajo orden con identificación del tiempo optimo de viaje de la onda de voltaje, 5) síntesis de la respuesta transitoria de voltaje en el dominio de la frecuencia de un sistema de cables a través de la transformada numérica de Laplace, 6) validación por simulación con un programa de simulación profesional basado en el dominio del tiempo y por mediciones de la respuesta al escalón de voltaje en un experimento escalado en el laboratorio con un conductor prototipo.…”
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Caracterización geológica y geoquímica de fluidos en el sistema geotérmico Araró, Michoacán, México
Published 2017“…La identificación y caracterización de los minerales se realizó mediante la microscopía óptica de luz reflejada y transmitida, asimismo para complementar los estudios mineralógicos se utilizaron técnicas determinativas y cualitativas mineralógicas: Difracción de rayos X, Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo de onda corta y Microscopía electrónica. La química del agua se llevó a cabo con mediaciones de aniones y cationes, mediante cromatografía iónica, mediciones de elementos traza, isotopos estables y aplicación de geotermómetro de SiO2. …”
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Caracterización geológica y geoquímica de fluidos en el sistema geotérmico Araró, Michoacán, México
Published 2017“…La identificación y caracterización de los minerales se realizó mediante la microscopía óptica de luz reflejada y transmitida, asimismo para complementar los estudios mineralógicos se utilizaron técnicas determinativas y cualitativas mineralógicas: Difracción de rayos X, Espectroscopia de Infrarrojo de onda corta y Microscopía electrónica. La química del agua se llevó a cabo con mediaciones de aniones y cationes, mediante cromatografía iónica, mediciones de elementos traza, isotopos estables y aplicación de geotermómetro de SiO2. …”
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Evaluación antibacteriana de especies vegetales de un área de la Sierra Madre Oriental en Santiago, Nuevo León, México.
Published 2018“…To develop this study was a previous diagnosis, an ethnobotanical study, which surveys were conducted to obtain a list of species of medicinal plants used in the area, the medicinal use you give them, as prepared was held between other data. Once you obtained the list we proceeded to a purge of the species found, discarding those already studied or who polls have low probability of having antibacterial activity, to finally be selected five of them. …”
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Efecto de la suplementación materna con flavonoides sobre la expresión génica de GCK hepática en la descendencia adulta
Published 2018“…Body weight was recorded once a week. At week 16 the rats were sacrificed, blood was collected, and the liver removed for further analysis. …”
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Predicción in silico de los dominios estructurales de las toxinas de PS2Aa1 y PS4Aa1 implicados en el modo de acción hacia células humanas anormales.
Published 2017“…The physical and chemical parameters were analyzed, and the characteristics of transmembrane proteins were corresponding. Once these data were taken, the model was sent to the Raptos X platform, where the three-dimensional structure of both proteins composed of three domains , domain I made up of alpha helices and beta sheets, domain II conformed by beta sheets and where the amphipatic hairpin is found, and domain III conformed by beta sheets, were predicted. …”
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Diseño y construcción de un reactor hibrido tipo batch para la producción de biocombustibles: biodiésel y bioetanol como caso de estudio.
Published 2017“…This prototype was instrumented with temperature and level sensors, a 2000 W resistance. to supply heat to the processes, 2 agitators for the agitation process and consists of 3 solenoid valves from 26 W to 120 V to transfer the fluids from one container to another. Once the construction stage was completed, the biodiesel production stage was carried out, which consisted first of all in evaluating the effect of the oil / methanol molar ratio (RMA) and the time of the process on the final yield of the biodiesel at the laboratory level. …”
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Caracterización parcial de la principal actividad fosfolipasa tipo A1 Y A2 en subfracciones de Trichomonas tenax
Published 2019“…We obtained the total extract and the subfractions, S30 and P30, from a mass culture. Once the proteins of the P30 and S30 subfractions were obtained and quantified, together with the total extract, the phospholipase activity of type A1 and A2 was determined by the radioassay method, where we found that both phospholipase activities, whose optimal pH is 8 (PLA1) and 6 (PLA2), both dependent on time, dose and concentration of Calcium. …”
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Fármacos epigenéticos con efecto en la actividad promotora del gen rb1 en células hepáticas humanas
Published 2019“…Plasmids were transfected into cell lines by lipofection. Once transfected, the cells were exposed to the epigenetic modulating drugs at different time periods and the luciferase activity was messured. …”
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Respuesta morfofisiológica y molecular de Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. a estrés salino y transferencia de halotolerancia hacia un organismo modelo
Published 2020“…For molecular approach, salt stress miRNAs libraries were generated using massive sequencing NextGen. Once analyzed, the biological function of gene targets implied on salt stress was explored through genetic engineering and chromatography GC/MS using Arabidopsis thaliana model organism. …”
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Evaluación antibacteriana de especies vegetales de un área de la Sierra Madre Oriental en Santiago, Nuevo León, México.
Published 2018“…To develop this study was a previous diagnosis, an ethnobotanical study, which surveys were conducted to obtain a list of species of medicinal plants used in the area, the medicinal use you give them, as prepared was held between other data. Once you obtained the list we proceeded to a purge of the species found, discarding those already studied or who polls have low probability of having antibacterial activity, to finally be selected five of them. …”
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Efecto de la suplementación materna con flavonoides sobre la expresión génica de GCK hepática en la descendencia adulta
Published 2018“…Body weight was recorded once a week. At week 16 the rats were sacrificed, blood was collected, and the liver removed for further analysis. …”
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Predicción in silico de los dominios estructurales de las toxinas de PS2Aa1 y PS4Aa1 implicados en el modo de acción hacia células humanas anormales.
Published 2017“…The physical and chemical parameters were analyzed, and the characteristics of transmembrane proteins were corresponding. Once these data were taken, the model was sent to the Raptos X platform, where the three-dimensional structure of both proteins composed of three domains , domain I made up of alpha helices and beta sheets, domain II conformed by beta sheets and where the amphipatic hairpin is found, and domain III conformed by beta sheets, were predicted. …”
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Diseño y construcción de un reactor hibrido tipo batch para la producción de biocombustibles: biodiésel y bioetanol como caso de estudio.
Published 2017“…This prototype was instrumented with temperature and level sensors, a 2000 W resistance. to supply heat to the processes, 2 agitators for the agitation process and consists of 3 solenoid valves from 26 W to 120 V to transfer the fluids from one container to another. Once the construction stage was completed, the biodiesel production stage was carried out, which consisted first of all in evaluating the effect of the oil / methanol molar ratio (RMA) and the time of the process on the final yield of the biodiesel at the laboratory level. …”
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Caracterización parcial de la principal actividad fosfolipasa tipo A1 Y A2 en subfracciones de Trichomonas tenax
Published 2019“…We obtained the total extract and the subfractions, S30 and P30, from a mass culture. Once the proteins of the P30 and S30 subfractions were obtained and quantified, together with the total extract, the phospholipase activity of type A1 and A2 was determined by the radioassay method, where we found that both phospholipase activities, whose optimal pH is 8 (PLA1) and 6 (PLA2), both dependent on time, dose and concentration of Calcium. …”
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Fármacos epigenéticos con efecto en la actividad promotora del gen rb1 en células hepáticas humanas
Published 2019“…Plasmids were transfected into cell lines by lipofection. Once transfected, the cells were exposed to the epigenetic modulating drugs at different time periods and the luciferase activity was messured. …”
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Respuesta morfofisiológica y molecular de Atriplex canescens (Pursh) Nutt. a estrés salino y transferencia de halotolerancia hacia un organismo modelo
Published 2020“…For molecular approach, salt stress miRNAs libraries were generated using massive sequencing NextGen. Once analyzed, the biological function of gene targets implied on salt stress was explored through genetic engineering and chromatography GC/MS using Arabidopsis thaliana model organism. …”
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Organización ecológica de un gremio de saurios en las dunas de arena de Viesca, Coahuila, México
Published 2006“…In the second transect, data of spatial (microhabitat and loose sand depth) and thermal (sand’s temperature) organization were obtained once a day. This lizard’s guild uses in a different form the four analyzed resources. …”
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