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- México 5
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- Historia algodonera, 3
- Norte de México 3
- descubrimiento 3
- norte del virreinato 3
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- pueblos originarios 3
- riqueza minera 3
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Valoración del cultivo líquido ligado a PCR tiempo real para aumentar la sensibilidad del diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Published 2019“…La tuberculosis bovina (TB) causada por Mycobacterium bovis, es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa reemergente de importancia mundial que afecta a animales domésticos, particularmente a ganado bovino, fauna silvestre y humano. …”
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Adopción de actitudes igualitarias por parte de las mujeres en México a través de su participación en el mercado de trabajo.
Published 2016“…En análisis se enfocó en identificar los efectos directos e indirectos de la participación de las mujeres en el mercado de trabajo a través de las interacciones sociales y quehaceres domésticos. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron abordados mediante tres estrategias metodológicas. …”
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Valoración del cultivo líquido ligado a PCR tiempo real para aumentar la sensibilidad del diagnóstico de la tuberculosis bovina
Published 2019“…La tuberculosis bovina (TB) causada por Mycobacterium bovis, es una enfermedad infectocontagiosa reemergente de importancia mundial que afecta a animales domésticos, particularmente a ganado bovino, fauna silvestre y humano. …”
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Published 2012“…El enfoque propuesto permite analizar las relaciones entre los capitales (físico, social, financiero, humano y natural) a escala comunitaria y de grupos domésticos (GD), los factores de vulnerabilidad, las estructuras y los procesos, y sus resultados. …”
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La Plaza Zaragoza de mi lindo Monterrey
Published 2024“…Según la estrofa del Shotis de Monterrey, para unos atribuida a Áliber Medrano y para otros, a Ángel Quintanilla, mejor conocido como “Angelillo de Triana”, dice: “Por la plaza Zaragoza, los domingos se pasean, las muchachas más hermosas, de mi lindo Monterrey”. …”
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Composición y estructura de bosques de pino-encino bajo manejo en Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, México
Published 2008“…The tree size, defined through the dominance in diameter to level of species, generally covered proportionally the different sizes as dominant trees, co-dominant and suppressed.…”
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Composición y estructura de bosques de pino-encino bajo manejo en Ixtlán de Juárez, Oaxaca, México
Published 2008“…The tree size, defined through the dominance in diameter to level of species, generally covered proportionally the different sizes as dominant trees, co-dominant and suppressed.…”
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Prevalence of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in dogs and small mammals in Nuevo León, Mexico
Published 2017“…Aunque este hemoflagelado tiene muchos mamíferos silvestres y domésticos reportados como reservorios, los estudios sobre este tema son escasos en el estado de Nuevo León, localizado en el noreste de México. …”
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C-(N)-S-H and N-A-S-H gels: Compositions and solubility data at 25°C and 50°C
Published 2017“…Abstract Calcium silicate hydrates containing sodium [C–(N)–S–H], and sodium aluminosilicate hydrates [N–A–S–H] are the dominant reaction products that are formed following reaction between a solid aluminosilicate precursor (eg, slags, fly ash, metakaolin) and an alkaline activation agent (eg NaOH) in the presence of water. …”
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Resistencias cotidianas en un asentamiento informal de la Zona Metropolitana de Monterrey
Published 2018“…In this article, we analyze the transits between spaces and formal and informal activities crossed by relations of domination and resistance in an informal settlement of the city. …”
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Accumulation Regime, State Regime and forms of Social Mobilization
Published 2023“…These are basically notes, in the strict sense of the word a sketch of ideas about the relationship between the accumulation pattern, State types, and class struggle, as a complex system that defines conditions and possibilities under which capitalist domination is reproduced and challenged. In pursuit of this goal, I present a preliminary and tentatively comparative review of the form that this triad takes on in two different moments of the historical development of capitalism. …”
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Composición y estructura de las comunidades de poliquetos (Annelida) asociadas a fondos blandos de la costa occidental de la península de Baja California, México
Published 2016“…We compared the number of families and species collected both bathymetricaly and latitudinally, we also performed a diversity analysis using several indexes such as alpha diversity, Pielou evenness, Simpson dominance and specific dominance. A total of 60 stations were revised, 30 of these were positive, finding 3,709 specimens grouped in 11 orders, 27 families, 62 genera and 99 species. …”
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Morphological Analysis of Major Segments of Coronary Artery Occlusion: Importance in Myocardial Revascularization Surgery
Published 2015“…A macroscopic phase in which 11 cadaveric hearts were extracted and coronary dominance and length of the anterior interventricular artery (AIA), the right coronary artery (RCA) and the circumflex artery (CXA) were determined. …”
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Valor nutritivo de las hojas de la hojarasca del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco en el estado de Nuevo León
Published 2020“…Es por ello, que es necesario conocer el valor nutritivo de estas fuentes alimenticias como es la hoja caída de arbustivas (Hojarasca) para su aprovechamiento como alternativa para la dieta de pequeños rumiantes domésticos y silvestres, como el venado cola blanca. …”
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Valor nutritivo de las hojas de la hojarasca del matorral espinoso tamaulipeco en el estado de Nuevo León
Published 2020“…Es por ello, que es necesario conocer el valor nutritivo de estas fuentes alimenticias como es la hoja caída de arbustivas (Hojarasca) para su aprovechamiento como alternativa para la dieta de pequeños rumiantes domésticos y silvestres, como el venado cola blanca. …”
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A palaeobiological window into the Lower Cretaceous Cupido Formation: Puerto México section, Nuevo Leon, Mexico
Published 2018“…Benthic foraminifers (miliolids and textularids) with associated dasycladalean algae such as Salpingorella sp. and Terquemella spp. dominate the microfossiliferous content in wackestones to packstones. …”
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Congenital fiber-type disproportion myopathy: a case study
Published 2015“…It is inherited as an autosomal recessive, dominant and X-linked. It is diagnosed by clinical data confirmation, generalized hypotonia and a muscle biopsy in which muscle fibers type I are smaller in caliber, 12% smaller than those of type II and type I fibers are more common than type II. …”
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The burden of blood-pressure-related cardiovascular mortality in Mexico
Published 2014“…This study shows that in Mexico, a country at an advanced stage in the epidemiologic transition, with the national burden of disease dominated by noncommunicable diseases, elevated blood pressure is a major clinical and public health problem. 31.7% of the Mexican individuals aged 50 and over had systolic hypertension, and 47.3% were at systolic prehypertensive levels. …”
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Development and volume growth of organized derivatives trade in emerging markets
Published 2005“…Non-US exchanges have dominated US counterparts, while trade has increasingly concentrated on financial derivatives rather than commodities. …”
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Published 2022“…This contibution is projected in the context of intercultural encounter and dialogue because the relation to nature seems to differ typically from European to Asiatic culture: the first one intending more a rational and technical mastering and domination of nature, the second one rather a spiritual paticipation and integration in nature. …”
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