Summary: | F.duorarum native from the area of Yucatán were studied to know the requirement in nutrients and energy underlaboratory conditions. At postlarval (Pl’s) stages dietary protein level had an effect on substrate metabolismmeasured through the variations of O:N ratio (5-15). Pl’s responded to dietary protein levels and heat increment offeeding (HiE) ranged from 0.3-0.4kJ/animal/day. Both practical and purified diets were tested. Purified dietsformulated in a range of 40-65% CP content showed a better performance at a high level (60%) based on casein.Lipids were incorporated at a high level (>15%) without affecting the weight gain that contrasted with what was usedto observe at juvenile stages. At juveniles stages protein requirement was estimated at 30%CP. However, recent datato explain feeding habits in natural environment indicated that a change in enzymatic activities and the ratioamylase/trypsin in a range of 2 to 10 according to seasons. Stomach contents confirmed the trend for a carnivorousregime. Moreover, wild juveniles fed in the laboratory with practical diets showed an improved assimilation whenfed a commercial diet as compared with this same diet supplemented with Artemia biomass. Domesticated juvenilesfrom F2 generation got a better weight gain than wild shrimp, when fed either marine protein diet (MAD) or vegetalprotein diet (VPD). From overall observations, even though F. duorarum was characterized as a carnivorous species,domestication process could improve its utilization of plant protein and carbohydrates to spare fish meal.