Summary: | En el presente estudio se reconoció la diversidad polínica en el aire del área metropolitana de Monterrey (AMM), durante octubre 2004 a marzo del 2005. Se utilizaron 2 captadores volumétricos de polen (7 day recording volumetric spore trap, Burkard Manufacturing Co., Rickmansworth, Hersts., UK), situados en Ciudad Universitaria y La Florida. Se contabilizó un total de 7 687 granos correspondientes a 43 taxa para Ciudad Universitaria, mientras que para La Florida se registraron 12 354 granos correspondientes a 57 taxa. Los 10 taxa que presentaron la mayor concentración polínica durante el periodo de estudio fueron Cupressaceae/Taxodiaceae, Fraxinus sp., Quercus sp., Poaceae, Parietaria sp., Ambrosia sp., Populus sp., Salix sp., Pinus sp. y Celtis sp.
The occurring diversity of pollen grains in the air of the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Mexico was documented during the period October 2004 to March 2005 by means of 2 volumetric pollen grain collectors equipped with a 7 day recording volumetric spore trap (Burkard Manufacturing Co., Rickmansworth, Hersts., United Kingdom), one placed in the University City and the other at La Florida location. A total number of 7 687 pollen grains comprised in 43 taxa were counted at the University City while 12 354 grains were recorded among 57 recognized taxa in La Florida. The first 10 taxa with higher pollen concentration during the period of study were Cupressaceae/Taxodiaceae, Fraxinus sp., Quercus sp., Poaceae, Parietaria sp., Ambrosia sp., Populus sp., Salix sp., Pinus sp. and Celtis sp.