Hydrothermally synthesized nanoparticles of zinc peroxide and their structural description

The aim of this work is to present some results of the synthesis of nanoparticles of zinc oxide by means of a hydrothermal method. Also, a description of the structural characteristics of these nanoparticles will be presented. The nanoparticles can be used as the supported active phase for photocata...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autores principales: García Ruiz, Armando, Escobedo, A., Aguilar Hernández, Alberto Issac, Esparza, Rodrigo, Pérez, R.
Formato: Artículo
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: Universidad Autónoma de Puebla 2011
Acceso en línea:http://eprints.uanl.mx/13445/1/Art5.pdf

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