Who's who in the steel consumption in the world: global trends and impact (Quién es quién en el consumo mundial de acero: impactos y tendencias globales)

Abstract. Analyze the behavior of steel production, leads to a necessary research about what the producers can do to get out ahead even when the conditions are not favorable. Coping after a big downturn in the global economy has been an immense task in the entire global economy and mainly in the fie...

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Detalles Bibliográficos
Autor principal: Bortoni Herrera, Daniel
Formato: Artículo
Lenguaje:Spanish / Castilian
Publicado: Facultad de Contaduría Pública y Administración U.A.N.L. 2012
Acceso en línea:http://eprints.uanl.mx/12573/1/A3.pdf